Journal of Scientific Letters is an open-access journal. All journal content is freely available to all readers.

“Open access” means its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself.”  (by Budapest Open Access Initiative). 

Besides, the website of the journal provides the necessary information about the activities of the journal: conditions of publication, rules for registration and submission of manuscripts to the journal, the procedure for forming the journal and reviewing manuscripts, publication ethics, information about the editorial board, contact details of the scientific editor and executive secretary.

Readers and authors can view the electronic versions of the current issue of the journal and archives for previous periods on the journal’s website. All publications of the journal in electronic form are distributed free of charge.


Submissions to the Journal of Scientific Letters are made using email to:  editorinchief@localhost .  After submission, the corresponding author will receive the manuscript ID within 7 days. The review process may be minimum 60 days from the date of manuscript ID.

The article is submitted in electronic format (in the formats .doc, .docx) only by downloading it through the functionality of the journal’s website (Open Journal System).

Type of Article (English Version only) Accepted:

Letter to the Editor, Mini Review, Review Article, Research Article, Short Communication.

Submission Checklist Attachment: Cover letter, Main Manuscript (including title, author name and title, abstract, key words, body text including table and figures, conflict of interest, acknowledgement, references etc.), Undertaking by Author, Copyright Transfer Agreement Form (with author/s signature). Email: editorinchief@localhost

The author for correspondence is obliged to provide a cover letter for publication in the journal.

The Editorial Board accepts previously unpublished papers on the scientific directions of the journal. Checking for plagiarism and authorship is obligatory. The papers of the authors from several countries have prevalence.

Font size – 12 (abstract, key words, literature, text of  Tables and Figures – 11), font – Times New Roman, alignment to the width, interval – single, paragraph indent – 1 cm, page margins – 2 cm all sides. The style and presentation of the references may be follow the Vancouver style.

Figures, Tables, Graphs, Diagrams, etc. are presented directly in the text, indicated by numbering and title (e.g., Figure 1 – Name).

Plagiarism Checker:

The journal has implemented Turnitin software and the plagiarism limit should be less than 25% [Green zone] (excluding References).


The authors are required to declare all sources of funding for the research reported. The role of the funding body in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript should be declared.

Competing interests:

The authors are required to declare all financial and non-financial competing interests with regards to the publication of their work during submission. Please see our editorial policies for more information on competing interests. If any of the authors are unsure whether they have a competing interest, they should contact the editorial office.

Ethics approval and consent to participate:

Authors of submissions reporting studies involving human participants, human data, or human tissues are required to provide the following information:

  • A statement on ethics approval and consent (even where the need for approval was waived).
  • The name of the ethics committee that approved the study and the committee’s reference number if appropriate.

Submissions reporting studies involving animals must include a statement on ethics approval.

If the submission does not report on or involve the use of any animals or human data or tissues, please state “Not applicable” in this section.

Publication and Processing Fees:

No processing or publication fees. Published free of charge thrice per year (April, August, December).


Responsibility of the Peer Reviewer

The Peer reviewer is responsible for critically reading and evaluating a manuscript in their specialty field, and then providing respectful, constructive and honest feedback to authors about their submission. Our reviewer who gives their time to peer-review articles submitted to International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Extremely thorough and careful peer-review is an important task of publishing high quality academic papers. It is appropriate for the Peer Reviewer to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the article, ways to improve the strength and quality of the work, and evaluate the relevance and originality of the manuscript.

Before Reviewing please consider the following:

Does the article you are being asked to review match your expertise? If you receive a manuscript that covers a topic that does not sufficiently match your area of expertise, please notify the editor as soon as possible. Please feel free to recommend alternate reviewer.

Do you have time to review the paper? Finished reviews of an article should be completed within two weeks. If you do not think you can complete the review with in this frame, please let the editor know and if possible, suggest an alternate reviewer. If you have agreed to review a paper but will no longer be able to finish the work before deadline, please contact the editor as soon as possible.

Are there any potential conflicts of interests? While conflicts of interest will not disqualify you from reviewing the manuscript. It is important to disclose all conflicts of interest to the editors before reviewing. If you have any question about potential conflicts of interests, please do not hesitate to contact the receiving editorial office.

We are sincerely thanks to our reviewer who gives their time to peer-review articles submitted to International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Extremely thorough and careful peer-review is an important task of publishing high quality academic papers. 

Reviewer Instructions

Reviewer holds the maximum responsibility for the acceptance of manuscript in International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Every reviewer is requested to strictly adhere to the roles and responsibilities mentioned below.

  1. Please check for assigned manuscripts at least two days once, which can be visible only after reviewer login.
  2. Download the assigned manuscript and review the work or the editor may also send the manuscript to the reviewer’s mail Id.
  3. Check whether the work is up to the standards for publishing at International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences
  4. Comments if any about the manuscript should be submitted from the comments tab after reviewer login.
  5. Reviewers should not contact the author through mobile/telephone/mail for any queries regarding the manuscript if found by mistake anywhere in the manuscript. 
  6. Reviewers should not print the manuscript or use the manuscript for lecture or any other purpose which is under review process.
  7. Corrections/decisions on manuscript should be notified by reviewer in 15 days.
  8. Please inform to editor through mail or telephonic call or from his dashboard if the reviewer is not interested to review the assigned manuscript within 48 hours.

Final Comments: All submissions are confidential and please do not discuss any aspect of the submissions with a third party. If you would like to discuss the article with a colleague, please ask the editor first. Please do not contact the author directly. Ethical Issues: Plagiarism: If you suspect that an article is a substantial copy of another work, please let the editor know, citing the previous work in as much details as possible fraud: It is very difficult to detect the determined fraudster, but if you suspect the results in an article to be untrue, discuss it with the editor.

Other ethical concerns: For medical research, has confidentiality been maintained? Has there been a violation of the accepted norms in the ethical treatment of animal or human subjects? If so, then these should also be identified to the editor

Next Steps: Please complete the “Reviewer’s Comments” form by the due date to the receiving editorial office. Your recommendation regarding an article will be strongly considered when the editors make the final decision, and your thorough, honest feedback will be much appreciated. When writing comments, please indicate the section of comments intended for only the editors and the section of comments that can be returned to the author(s). Please never hesitate to contact the receiving editorial office with any questions.


The Editor in Chief of Journal of Scientific Letters (JSL) has ultimate responsibility for deciding if a manuscript submitted to JSL should be published, and in doing so is guided by the journal’s policies as determined by the JSL editorial board and constrained by such legal requirements as shall then be in force regarding label, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. The Editor may consult with the members of the editorial team, as well as with reviewers, in making publication decisions.


We encourage research librarians to list this journal among their library’s electronic journal holdings. As well, it may be worth noting that this journal’s open source publishing system is suitable for libraries to host for their faculty members, researchers and students to use this journal.